House Coach.

(Something you didn’t know existed, but shouldn’t live without).

Your guide to safe, healthy, comfortable, durable & energy efficient housing.

Building Scientist & Home Inspector with 18+ years of experience

I’m a total house nerd. Want to learn more?


  • Homeowner Coaching

    Are you a homeowner (or are considering becoming one) and have house questions, concerns, problems or are looking for guidance on maintenance or home improvement projects?

  • Industry Consulting

    Do you work in a housing-related field and need guidance on home performance or building science questions or concerns to support your business or clients?

  • Teaching & Speaking

    Are you looking for continuing education for professionals in the housing industry such as real estate agents, builders, contractors or home inspectors?

In-person and remote options

Tessa is located an hour southeast of the Twin Cities along the MN / WI border and doesn’t mind traveling. She can also work remotely, which allows her to help clients all over the country.



House Coach Approach

Practical guidance for complex concerns.

A Podcast for house nerds, by house nerds.

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